Web 2.0 has made my life easier from creation software, YouTube videos that have amazing visuals to explain difficult concepts, to giving students unique exploration experiences with things like gizmo and google products that provide collaborative opportunities for incredible creation. Yet, it has come with a major cost of our health. These tools mentioned are littered with advertisements for these companies to make money. You say, just ignore the advertisements! But it goes so much deeper than this. These companies and social media apps have put together teams to create products that manipulate you to use their products more. These companies do not care about you or our kid’s health or well being. I am not exaggerating when I say if something doesn’t change, they will continue to kill us.

In the Social Dilemma on Netflix, they stated in 2010 and 2011 teen girl non-fatal harm increased by 62% and preteen girl self harm increased by 189% and the percents are similar for suicide rates in this group as well. This is largely due from social media apps. Through my Educational Psychology Masters, I studied mental health issues specifically in teen girls, and a lot of literature spoke about the upsurge of anxiety and depression in this group. A probable cause of the rise in anxiety is females are more likely to look for support around their health over males as well the stigma around anxiety is decreasing; hence more people, especially women and girls, are self-reporting more often and seeking help (Booth et al, 2016). On the contrary, another reason discussed for the anxiety increase was the rise in smart phone, and social media usage ((McRae et al., 2016; Phillips & Yu, 2021; Fatania, 2019). It is also causing other mental health disorders such as eating disorders and body dysmorphia (Himanshu, 2020). Teenagers and anyone on social media are bombarded with filtered images and picture-perfect lives. This is not what real life is. It is not glamorous, or perfect, it gives a false sense of what life is like, hence the increase of these disorders.

We are addicted to our phones, and this is by popular design of these companies. “If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product”. “The gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behavior and perception that is the product.” These quotes are from the Netflix documentary from two people explaining the terrible schemes these companies use manipulate people to use their products.  Companies use algorithms to learn about who you are and what you like to keep you using their app or platform. They can then advertise to you and make money. This is horrible for your health. One you are in a sedentary position doing an activity that does not challenge your mind nor does challenge your body. We are moving less and sitting more. We are also sleeping less. Robert (2011) focused on teenagers and their sleeping habits and found due to lack of sleep there was an anxiety increase. He hypothesized the lack of sleep could be correlated with the increase in smart phone and social media usage also.

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

The other horrifying aspect of this technology is confirmation bias. Google is built to put the highest paying item at the top of your search list, along with what it thinks you will agree with or like. People read the top item rather than finding factual information. People are having trouble finding objective information due to the amount of ideas out there that do not have any science backing. People just believe what they read and do not critically think about who wrote it, who made it, and is it correct. Our society is going backwards with the amount of radical hate groups, and groups of people with blatantly incorrect ideas around many scientific topics. The scariest part is this is leaking into politics. There is a major political divide in our society due to this allowance of subjective ideas with no scientific backing. It is alright to feel a certain way and have opinions but when these opinions are being placed on all people, they need to have scientific evidence that demonstrates it is best for the greater good.  Objective truth is important. Instead of rights being stripped away from people our government should be focused on having regulations on companies to ensure their company is doing good for our world. We regulate many markets, and we should regulate social media.

Technology isn’t all bad, it is actual amazing how it has made our lives easier. According to the Netflix documentary the “like” button on Facebook was meant to spread positivity and I believe that they did have good intentions. I enjoy my social media to see what my distant friends are up to as well as post my own photos and keep digital albums. However, when people at the head of these companies know that there is a major issue and continue to do it regardless of how many people they hurt, they need to be stopped. This is what our government needs to regulate but with the political divide I am very scared for our future as a society. But until these regulations happen, try to support kids through understanding that these apps are addicting, how to help regulate their use, and how to get back to the basics of socializing with friends with real life physical interactions.

6 responses to “The Social Dilemma – Our Society is in Crisis”

  1. Ms.Sydney McGrath Avatar
    Ms.Sydney McGrath

    Thanks Cailen for the thoughtful words. I agree with you that social media is nice to have to connect, but after finding the underlying messages continously being spread it does change the perspective of these platforms hugely. It will be interesting to see where we go from here. This documentary was released in 2020, we are now in 2024 and we do not hear often the changes that could be coming.


    1. Cailen Tribier Avatar

      I think there has to be a major shift in society around attempting to control and regulate very powerful, very rich companies. We have done it, but it is really hard. So I believe this is the case here. Making money and getting richer and the growth of the economy is quite important to many. With this mindset, we lose sight of the idea that we should live our lives that support the greater good sometimes. So until we fix our major political divide, big companies will not be regulated and we will not be able to move forward. I really don’t see a change in this anytime soon unfortunately. Sorry for my negativity around this topic.


  2. ildastoja Avatar

    Hi Cailen,
    The Social Dilemma was an eye opener for me. Not because I didn’t know the effects that social media is having on youth and adults but because the explanation was thorough, and it was coming from the people who helped design these platforms. A few of the people who spoke on the documentary admitted that they had good intentions when they built these platforms initially, but later on the road everything changed. As humans we lost control of the systems as the systems control us now. This is what we should try to understand and work on, so that we can change this narrative. As you mentioned, there are so many good things that we can take from technology but there are so many others that we should not let technology manipulate us. We should be able to not lose sight of the wonderful things that technology has created but at the same time we should stop social media from dictating to us how to live our life. Explaining to the young people that what they see on social media, the beautiful faces and the luxury life that people expose, is not always the case in real life. In fact, it might be quite the opposite of that. Spending less time on the platforms and more time on activities that connect us better with each other is a way to regain our happiness and to not let social media exploit us. Until the government start putting regulations on the social media, we should be careful with what we read and how much time we spent on these platforms.


  3. Cailen Tribier Avatar

    The saddest but not most shocking part for me was learning that when these large companies knew they were hurting people, they just kept going. They did nothing about it when their employees brought up the issues. They are deep into it now and it takes a lot of time to go back. Especially when they are making such great amounts of money and doing so well why would they change? Helping people isn’t their number one priority. It is very unfortunate.


  4. Navneet kaur Avatar
    Navneet kaur

    Cailen, your post sheds light on the double-edged sword of Web 2.0. It’s great to hear about the helpful tools like creation software and engaging YouTube videos, but you rightly point out the dark side: the invasion of advertisements and the addictive nature of social media apps. The stats you mentioned from “The Social Dilemma” are eye-opening, especially the rise in mental health issues among teens linked to social media use. It’s alarming how these apps can affect our behavior and mental well-being. Your call for regulations on social media companies is spot on, and your advice on supporting kids through this digital world is valuable. Let’s hope for a safer online environment for all.


  5. suruchi verma Avatar
    suruchi verma

    Hey Cailen, I appreciate your thought-provoking blog post. I echo your sentiments regarding the positive role of social media in fostering connections. The consideration of how these dynamics may impact our perceptions in the future is indeed intriguing. The ever-changing landscape of social media prompts questions about its future trajectory and influence. Observing the unfolding developments and alterations in these platforms will be a captivating journey, shedding light on how they persistently mold our digital interactions and societal perspectives.


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